2023 DAAD Scholarships in Germany for Development-Related Postgraduate Courses

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers scholarships for international students from developing countries who wish to pursue postgraduate studies in Germany. The DAAD scholarships are highly competitive and provide funding for a range of development-related fields, including social sciences, engineering, economics, and more. The scholarships cover tuition fees, health insurance, travel expenses, and provide a monthly allowance to help cover living expenses.

The 2023 DAAD Scholarships in Germany for Development-Related Postgraduate Courses are now open, and this article provides an overview of the eligibility criteria, application process, and benefits of the scholarships, as well as information on the participating universities and courses. If you are a student from a developing country looking to pursue further studies in Germany, read on to learn more about this excellent opportunity.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the DAAD scholarships, candidates must meet the following general criteria:

  • Hold at least a bachelor’s degree or equivalent academic degree in a related field.
  • Have a minimum of two years of professional experience in a relevant field.
  • Be a citizen of a developing country.
  • Have a strong motivation and interest in pursuing further studies in Germany.

In addition to the general eligibility criteria, applicants for the 2023 scholarships in Germany for development-related postgraduate courses must also meet the following specific eligibility criteria:

Academic Qualifications

  • Candidates should have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent academic degree in a field related to the course of study they wish to pursue.
  • Candidates should have an excellent academic record with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale) or equivalent.

Professional Experience

  • Candidates should have at least two years of professional experience in a related field.
  • The professional experience should be in a position that is relevant to the intended course of study.

Language Proficiency

  • Candidates must provide proof of their language proficiency in either English or German, depending on the language of instruction of the course they wish to pursue.
  • For English language courses, candidates must provide proof of their proficiency in English through TOEFL or IELTS scores. The minimum required score varies depending on the course and university.
  • For German language courses, candidates must provide proof of their proficiency in German through the TestDaF or DSH examination. The minimum required score varies depending on the course and university.

Other Requirements

  • Candidates must meet the specific requirements of the course and university they wish to apply for. These may include additional language requirements, specific academic qualifications, or relevant work experience.
  • Candidates must provide all required documents and application materials by the deadline. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Note that meeting the eligibility criteria does not guarantee that the candidate will receive a scholarship. The selection process is highly competitive, and candidates are evaluated based on their academic achievements, professional experience, motivation, and potential for future contributions to their field.

Application Process

If you meet the eligibility criteria for the 2023 DAAD scholarships in Germany for development-related postgraduate courses, you can apply by following these steps:

Step 1: Research

  • Research the available courses and universities that participate in the scholarship program.
  • Check the specific eligibility requirements and application deadlines for each course and university.

Step 2: Prepare Application Documents

  • Prepare all required application documents. These may include:
    • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
    • Motivation letter
    • Letter(s) of recommendation
    • Academic transcripts and certificates
    • Language proficiency certificates
    • Research proposal (for doctoral courses)
  • Make sure that all documents are in the required format and meet the specific requirements of each course and university.

Step 3: Online Application

  • Create an account on the DAAD online portal.
  • Fill out the application form and upload all required documents.
  • Submit the application before the deadline.

Step 4: Selection Process

  • The selection process is highly competitive and involves a review of all submitted applications.
  • The selection committee evaluates each candidate based on their academic achievements, professional experience, motivation, and potential for future contributions to their field.
  • Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview or asked to provide additional information.
  • The final selection is based on the overall merit of the candidate’s application.

Step 5: Notification

  • Successful candidates will be notified by email or post.
  • The scholarship offer will include details on the specific benefits, duration, and conditions of the scholarship.
  • Candidates must accept the scholarship offer and follow the instructions provided to confirm their acceptance.

Required Application Documents

The specific application documents required may vary depending on the course and university, but typically include:

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV): A summary of your academic and professional experience, including education, work experience, and achievements.
  • Motivation Letter: A statement of your motivation for pursuing the course and how it fits into your academic and career goals.
  • Letter(s) of Recommendation: Letters from academic or professional references who can attest to your qualifications and potential.
  • Academic Transcripts and Certificates: Official transcripts of your academic records and copies of academic degrees or certificates.
  • Language Proficiency Certificates: Certificates of language proficiency in English or German, depending on the language of instruction of the course.
  • Research Proposal (for doctoral courses): A detailed proposal outlining your research interests and objectives.

Selection Process

The selection process for the 2023 DAAD scholarships in Germany for development-related postgraduate courses is highly competitive and involves a review of all submitted applications. The selection committee evaluates each candidate based on the following criteria:

  • Academic achievements and potential for future academic success
  • Professional experience and potential for future contributions to their field
  • Motivation and suitability for the chosen course
  • Language proficiency and ability to succeed in the language of instruction

Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview or asked to provide additional information. The final selection is based on the overall merit of the candidate’s application. Successful candidates will be notified by email or post and will be provided with instructions on how to accept the scholarship offer.

Types of Scholarships

There are different types of scholarships available for the 2023 DAAD scholarships in Germany for development-related postgraduate courses, each with their own benefits and coverage. The following are some of the most common types of scholarships:

Full Scholarship

  • A full scholarship covers all the expenses related to the course, including tuition fees, monthly allowance, travel expenses, health insurance, and other related costs.
  • This type of scholarship provides complete financial support to the recipient, enabling them to focus on their studies without worrying about financial constraints.

Partial Scholarship

  • A partial scholarship covers only a portion of the expenses related to the course, such as tuition fees, monthly allowance, or travel expenses.
  • This type of scholarship can still be very beneficial, as it can help to reduce the financial burden on the recipient and make the course more affordable.

Travel Allowances

  • Some scholarships may include a travel allowance, which covers the cost of transportation to and from Germany.
  • This allowance can help to reduce the cost of travel and make it easier for recipients to attend the course.

Health Insurance

  • All scholarship recipients are required to have health insurance during their stay in Germany.
  • Some scholarships may include health insurance coverage as part of the benefits.

Additional Funding Opportunities

In addition to the scholarships themselves, there may be other funding opportunities available to help cover additional costs. Some of these opportunities include:

Short-Term Research Grants

  • Short-term research grants provide additional funding for research-related expenses, such as travel costs and materials.
  • These grants are designed to support recipients in their research work and help them to achieve their academic goals.

Study and Research Visits

  • Study and research visits provide opportunities for recipients to attend conferences, seminars, or workshops related to their course of study.
  • These visits can help to broaden the recipient’s knowledge and enhance their academic experience.

Language Courses

  • Language courses can be an important part of the scholarship program, as they help recipients to improve their language skills and better integrate into German society.
  • Some scholarships may include language courses as part of their benefits.


  • Internships provide practical experience in the recipient’s field of study and can be a valuable addition to their academic credentials.
  • Some scholarships may include internship opportunities as part of their benefits.

It’s important to note that the specific benefits and coverage of each scholarship may vary depending on the course and university. Recipients are advised to carefully review the details of each scholarship and to contact the scholarship provider if they have any questions or concerns.

Benefits and Opportunities of Studying in Germany

Studying in Germany can offer a wealth of benefits and opportunities for international students. The following are some of the advantages of studying in Germany:

High Academic Standards

  • Germany is known for its high academic standards and rigorous academic programs.
  • Universities in Germany are highly respected around the world and offer a wide range of courses and programs.

Research Opportunities

  • Germany is a hub of research and innovation, with a strong emphasis on science and technology.
  • Many universities in Germany have world-class research facilities and offer opportunities for students to participate in research projects.

Cultural Diversity

  • Germany is a culturally diverse country, with a rich history and vibrant arts and culture scene.
  • Studying in Germany can provide students with the opportunity to learn about different cultures and to broaden their horizons.

Affordable Education

  • Education in Germany is generally more affordable than in many other countries, with little to no tuition fees for public universities.
  • This can make it easier for international students to pursue their academic goals without accumulating a large amount of debt.

Career Opportunities

  • Germany has a strong economy and offers many career opportunities for graduates.
  • Studying in Germany can provide students with valuable skills and experience that can help them to succeed in their chosen career.

Resources and Support for International Students

In addition to these benefits, international students in Germany can also take advantage of various resources and support services, including:

International Offices

  • Most universities in Germany have an international office that provides support and advice to international students.
  • These offices can help students with everything from visa applications to finding housing.

Language Courses

  • Many universities in Germany offer language courses for international students, which can help them to improve their German language skills and to better integrate into German society.

Student Organizations

  • There are many student organizations and clubs in Germany, which can provide opportunities for socializing, networking, and pursuing shared interests.

Student Services

  • German universities offer a wide range of student services, including counseling, healthcare, and career services.
  • These services are designed to help students succeed academically and to support their overall well-being.

Overall, studying in Germany can offer international students a wealth of benefits and opportunities, both academically and personally. With its high academic standards, research opportunities, and cultural diversity, Germany is an excellent destination for students seeking a world-class education.


In conclusion, the 2023 DAAD Scholarships in Germany for Development-Related Postgraduate Courses offer an incredible opportunity for international students seeking to pursue their academic and career goals in a world-class educational environment. With a range of scholarships available and the many benefits and opportunities of studying in Germany, including high academic standards, research opportunities, and cultural diversity, this is an excellent chance to gain valuable skills and experience that can help to pave the way for a successful future.

The application process may require some effort and attention to detail, but with the right qualifications and a strong application, there is a real chance to secure a scholarship and begin an exciting new chapter of your academic journey in Germany.

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