25 Best Collaboration Apps For Students In 2022

25 Best Collaboration Apps For Students In 2022 This century is dominated by smart phones, social media and technology, it is important that students get familiar with educational learning applications which would aid learning process. Communication is made easier. You can reach out to anyone anywhere and find anyone by just clicking some buttons. Social … Read more

How to Write a Recommendation Letter

How to Write a Recommendation Letter At some point in life, everyone requires a recommendation letter. It could be to apply for a job or to take up an opportunity or even to advance your career in a graduate school. So I quickly want to show you how to write a recommendation letter. In the … Read more

How to Write an Email to a Professor

How to Write an Email to an Professor Emailing a professor could be somewhat daunting. So you really need to learn how to write an email to a professor before you do so. Truth is, emailing a professor is not the same as emailing a friend or family member. Professional email etiquette is rarely taught, … Read more

21 High Paying Jobs for English Majors in 2022

21 High Paying Jobs for English Majors in 2022 If you majored in English, finding high-paying jobs for English majors wouldn’t take a lot of struggles. According to Babbel, out of the world’s approximately 7.8 billion inhabitants, 1.35 billion speak English. The majority aren’t native English speakers, however. About 360 million people speak English as their first language. … Read more
