2022 IFT Seeding The Future Global Food System Challenge

2022 IFT Seeding The Future Global Food System Challenge

IFT is providing three levels of awards, totaling up to $1 million annually, to reward initiatives at different stages of their maturity, targeting food systems transformations.

This award challenge is for Non-profits, Academic or research institutions, and Early-stage or emerging U.S.-based for-profit companies.

Before you apply, kindly read through this piece to learn the full details about this award- the eligibility criteria, requirements, application deadline, and more.

The table below will give you an overview of what you should expect.

About IFT Seeding The Future Global Food System Challenge

The Seeding The Future Foundation has provided funding to the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) to launch and conduct the Seeding The Future Global Food System Challenge, which will be awarding up to $1 million annually.

The goal of the Challenge is to inspire and support passionate, diverse, and multidisciplinary teams to create game-changing innovations that will help transform the food system to be more sustainable, make healthier diets more accessible, and empower consumers to make choices benefitting both personal and planetary health.

The Challenge is a great first step in the right direction. They believe the biggest challenges facing the food system can be addressed when inspired innovators, scientists, and engineers across multiple disciplines collaborate to help transform the food systems to sustainably provide access to safe, nutritious, and affordable food for everyone.

IFT works with the Selection Committee to finalize the awardees for each level. The challenge features 3 award categories.

  • $25K Seed Grants: Awarded to organizations that are planting and nurturing high-potential, innovative ideas and have developed prototypes and/or initial proof of concept demonstrating that their innovation is feasible.
  • $100K Growth Grants: Awarded to organizations that have demonstrated that their innovation is doable at least on a small scale and have developed early projections for both economic feasibility at scale and the impact potential to transform the food system.
  • $250K Seeding The Future Grand Prizes: Awarded to organizations that have created innovations that are scalable, economically feasible, trusted by and compelling to consumers, and demonstrated major impact potential to transform the food system.

Who is Eligible for Seeding The Future Global Food System Challenge?

The following organizations are eligible to compete in the Challenge

  • Non-profits located in any country
  • Academic or research institutions located in any country.
  • Early-stage or emerging U.S.-based for-profit companies.

Note the Individuals are not eligible to apply. If you’re eligible, click on the BUTTON below to apply. Application Link

Please note, however, that teams of students or researchers may participate as part of an organization’s submission. Organizations are encouraged to form teams to compete in the Challenge. If two or more organizations form a team to compete, they should choose one of the organizations to serve as the applicant.

Application Deadline

Application for Seeding the Future Global Food System Challenge for the year 2022 hasn’t been announced yet. However, we’ll keep you updated when the date is officially announced on the site.

 For more information, please visit seedingthefuture.org.

2022 IFT Seeding The Future Global Food System Challenge

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